
January 2022

Funded project IVS-AMP successfully finished

The project “Robust Positioning Methods in Complex Environments (Parking Garages) for Location Determination, Navigation and for Logistics Tasks as well as Related Services and Services” in short IVS-AMP (within the R&D technology funding of the Sächsische Aufbaubank, funded with EFRE funds of the EU) was successfully completed after 3 years of project duration.

The result is a functional prototype, which supports tracking, localization and navigation in parking garages (here the parking garage of LGH Leipziger Gewerbehof GmbH & Co. KG in the Business & Innovation Center; called BIC-Parkhaus, Karl-Heine-Straße 99, 04229 Leipzig).

Metirionic developed the infrastructure devices required for the communication, which are used to determine distances and angles and measure them for the position in the parking garage.

Through the fixed infrastructure components of the localization system, a large number of tags (electronic parking tickets) are located with high accuracy in the parking garage. By evaluating radio channel parameters using radar methods, the surrounding area is also measured, thus enabling reliable detection of objects. In this project, Metirionic supplied the basic measurement procedures for determining distance, angle and signal parameters for environment detection. These were used by the signal processing algorithms of the TU Dresden for position determination/localization and occupancy detection. The development also included the data transfer for the integration of the electronic parking ticket, map data and visualization for the user by the project partners Dresden Elektronik, FusionSystems and gltscotech.


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