
Feb 2023

BLE ranging for keyless entry systems

The introduction of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) ranging for remote keyless systems in cars has revolutionized the way we access and secure our vehicles. BLE ranging technology has become increasingly popular due to its affordability, convenience, and security.  



Three advantages of using BLE ranging for remote keyless systems in cars are outlined below:  


  1. The first advantage of using BLE ranging for remote keyless systems in cars is the convenience it provides. BLE technology allows users to unlock their cars without having to physically insert a key. This eliminates the need for users to carry a physical key, making it more convenient to access their vehicles. Furthermore, BLE technology also allows users to control their car’s systems remotely, such as unlocking and locking the doors, starting the engine, and setting the temperature. This allows users to access their vehicles with ease and convenience, making it more convenient to access their cars. 
  2. The second advantage of using distance measurement with BLE for keyless entry systems in cars is the increased security it provides. BLE technology is much more secure than traditional key-based systems because it uses encryption to protect the data exchanged between the vehicle and the user’s device and determines the distance between the two. This means that only the user who is near the vehicle can access it. This ensures that only the user has access to their vehicle, providing an additional layer of security.
  3. The third advantage of using BLE ranging for remote keyless systems in cars is the affordability it offers. BLE technology offers a cost-effective solution for car owners, as it eliminates the need to purchase physical keys or additional security systems. Furthermore, BLE technology is relatively easy to install and maintain, further reducing the costs associated with the installation and maintenance of the system.  


Metirionic combines 10 years of experience in providing wireless distance measurement for Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) via our Ranging Technology. We integrate this technology and offer engineering services to help automotive companies improve their applications by adding wireless ranging capabilities. This technology will revolutionize the way we access and secure our cars, providing increased convenience, security, and affordability. In conclusion, BLE ranging for remote keyless systems in cars offers numerous advantages that will be beneficial for all car owners. 



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